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Marriage (five children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (eleven children) Marriage Marriage (a child) m. 13-Aug-1949 Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) m. 23-May-1944 Marriage (two children) m. 11-Jul-1976 Marriage (two children) m. 28-Feb-1942 Marriage (three children) m. 28-Jun-1911 Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 3-Feb-1818 Marriage Marriage m. 25-Sep-1822 Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 30-Jan-1789 Marriage m. 7-Apr-1844 Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (eight children) Marriage (six children) Marriage (two children) m. 7-Apr-1767 Marriage (six children) m. 22-Nov-1793 Marriage (a child) Marriage (six children) m. 31-Oct-1843 Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (six children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (six children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (five children) m. 1896 Marriage (a child) m. 29-May-1792 Marriage (five children) Marriage (four children) Divorce (two children) m. 2-Dec-1891 Marriage (two children) m. 5-Aug-1989 Divorce (two children) m. 23-Oct-1991 Marriage (a child) Widowed (three children) m. 15-Jul-1950 Divorce (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage Divorce m. 1991 Divorce (a child) m. 1969 Marriage (a child) Marriage (six children) m. 1887 Marriage Marriage (six children) m. 1917 Marriage (five children) m. 4-Apr-1942 Marriage (a child) m. 25-Nov-1966 Widowed (four children) m. 22-Feb-1957 Marriage (six children) m. 9-May-1953 Marriage m. 24-Oct-1964 Marriage m. 30-May-1947 Widowed (three children) m. 23-Jun-1957 Marriage (ten children) m. 17-Nov-1915 Marriage (a child) m. 5-Jun-1993 Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) m. 16-Feb-1935 Marriage (a child) Married Marriage (three children) m. 16-Mar-1913 Marriage (two children) m. 29-Jun-1953 Marriage (nine children) m. 25-Sep-1922 Divorce (a child) m. 22-Nov-1978 Marriage (two children) m. 22-Jul-1952 Marriage (two children) m. 17-Aug-1975 Marriage (two children) m. 29-Nov-1975 Marriage (three children) m. 22-Nov-1947 Marriage (six children) m. 31-Dec-1974 Marriage (a child) Married Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (seven children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (nine children) Marriage (eleven children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) John W. Scherff 1928 - 1930 Lillian Granberg 2 2 1969 Theresa Jean Campodonico 1960 Phyllis Marie Campodonico 1931 - 1995 Rodolfo Antonio Campodonico 64 64 Ruis 1940 Gonzalo Badilla Ruis 1945 Juan Antonio Badilla Ruis Badilla 1973 Manuel Adrian Badilla 1971 Mario Alonso Badilla 1966 Gloria Leticia Badilla 1972 Maria del Rosaria Badilla 1969 Luz Marina Badilla 1968 Marcos Antonio Badilla 1964 Laura Elena Badilla 1963 - 1984 Francisco Javier Badilla 21 21 Gilberto 1948 Norma Badilla Ruis 1981 - 2011 Joshua David Clauss 29 29 Ed Dunkel Lawrence Lampshire Jimmy Morrison Jenny Hagglov Claes Sture Sjustrbne Stig Sjustrbne Burje Sjustrbne Folke Sjustrbne Ingvar Sjustrbne Raguar Sjustrbne Knut Sjustrbne Gunnar Sjustrbne Lilian Oleson Sjustrbne Ingrid Lundqvist Sjustrbne Astrid Ekholm Sjustrbne Sjustrbne Berath Einar Granberg Nils- Gunnar Granberg Karin Granberg Sven Granberg Rune Granberg Arne Wiberg Viberg Erik Granberg Sem Hoiger Granberg Ida Kristina Sjostroms Ruben Granberg Anna Sangren Hanna Nilsson Fanny Gronlund D. 1971 Ester Wiberg Emil Granberg Granberg 1924 - 1975 Virgina Clare Croasdale 50 50 1923 Jane Eleanor Croasdale Harry Croasdale 1889 - 1973 John William Jenison 84 84 1926 Gordon Edwin Mawson 1919 Harriet Emma Mawson 1893 - 1929 Charles Lewis Mawson 36 36 Jack Edward Small Fred William Small Martha Louise Small Anna Margaret Williams 1956 Margaret Louise Scott Andrew Franklin Scott 1923 - 1994 Louise Elizabeth Miller 70 70 1893 Charles B. Miller 1898 - 1903 Milton Small 4 4 1893 Olive Small 1892 - 1929 Annie Henrietta Small 37 37 1891 Fred Small 1887 - 1982 Mabel Small 95 95 1958 Margaret Mary McCarthy 1953 Mary Ann McCarthy 1949 Patric Thomas McCarthy 1948 Richard Francis Jr McCarthy 1946 Michael Kenneth McCarthy Richard Francis McCarthy 1921 Dorothy Elizabeth Small Clifford Werner Jr. Small 1978 Janet Dorothy Small Edna Jaggard 1950 Deborah Elizabeth Small 1950 Douglas Robert Small Velma Brill 1915 Clifford Werner Small 1912 Robert Emerson Small Mary Anna Werner 1887 - 1958 Charles Clifford Small 71 71 1881 - 1883 Cora (Caroline) Small 1 1 Josephine Small William Kuhl Kuhl Mabel Adlingon 1880 - 1904 John William Small 24 24 1933 - 1939 Son Small 6 6 Deacon Colby girl Small ?? Small Mary C Otis Benjamin Iii Small 1801 - 1819 Mary Small 18 18 Thankful Otis 14 Sept 1762 Ebenezar Otis Samual Dean Jonas Dean 1767 - 1861 Ruth Small 93 93 Betsy Wheeler D. 1847 Edward Small Betsey Wheeler 1900 - 1975 Hilda Clauss 75 75 Elizabeth Seip 1837 - 1872 Eleanor 35 35 1837 - 1898 Jesse Kitchens 60 60 1903 Ann Bell 1900 Elizah Sylvester Bell 1897 Nettie Grace Bell 1893 Jessie Newton Bell 1855 - 1941 Nancy Ann Kitchens 86 86 Henry Jr. Clauss Phillip Clauss Valentine Clauss Jacob Clauss Frederick Clauss Anna Gundrum D. 1710 Unnamed 1693 - 1710 Clauss 17 17 1690 - 1752 Fredrick Jr. Clauss 62 62 1650 - 1710 Fredrick Sr. Clauss 60 60 Jane Prastger 1857 - 1936 Charles Emerson Small 79 79 Shirley Dewalt Laura Dewalt Fred Dewalt Lawrence Dewalt Florence Small Henrietha Richards 1853 John Bradford Small 1850 - 1850 Seth Small 3m 3m 1854 John Bradford Small 1844 - 1850 Seth Small 6 6 1864 - 1939 Josephine Montgomery 75 75 1846 - 1918 George (Frederic) Small 72 72 1846 Francis Small Arthur Gephart 1878 Edward Fredreick Gephart Henry Gephart Robert Gephart Joseph Gephart William Gephart Charles Gephart 1845 Maria Anne Louise Bohnert 1832 - 1909 Robert Gephart 77 77 Robert Geppert 77, died in Harlem Hospital of Acute Cardiac Dilation & Senility. Buried in Lutheran Cemetery 1863 - 1934 Elizabeth Catherine Moore 71 71 Mary Clauss D. 1758 Anna Mary Clauss 1751 - 1781 Philip Clauss 30 30 Juliana Clauss Sarah Clauss Charles Clauss Christina Clauss Catherine Clauss Daniel Clauss 1772 - 1852 Abraham Clauss 80 80 John Clauss Philip Clauss 1766 - 1853 Henery Clauss 86 86 George Clauss 1755 - 1827 Mary Clauss 72 72 @N11@
Mary Lassell Benjamin Small 1769 - 1838 Mary Fling 69 69 1769 - 1821 Benjamin Small 51 51 1795 - 1842 Rebecca Otis 46 46 1791 - 1862 Jonathan Small 70 70 1823 - 1900 Caroline Otis Simonton 77 77 1818 - 1878 John William Small 59 59 Catherine Samuel Francis 1838 - 1914 Margaret A. Getty 76 76 1837 - 1921 Samuel Augustus Koch Francis 83 83 Therese 1699 Henry Clauss 1695 - 1775 Christina SEYFRIED OR SYBART 79 79 1690 - 1748 Johannes Claus 58 58 15 dec 1689
Elizabeth 1722 - 1796 Johann George Clauss 74 74 @N14@
Dorothea Breden 1771 - 1844 Daniel Clauss 73 73 Maybe 1774
1949 Andrea Lee Beals 1945 Michael Chester Beals 1920 - 1963 Chester Raymond Beals 42 42 Jeffery Morrison James Morrison Susan Doris Morrison Marry Ellen Morrison John Peter Morrison 1919 - 1989 John Morrison 70 70 Marit Johann Hogue Eklein Egelin Hazel Lars Egge Bertimus Egge Karin Egge Sophia Egge Vilhelm Egge Olena (Olea'sg) Anderess Burleson Egge long beard, very religious,Sunday morning conductor,couldn't stand Christmas trees. Paul Mehl Judith Mehl Edward Mehl 1913 Edward Mehl 1937 Larry Peter Muzzin 1929 - 1931 John Peter Muzzin 2 2 D. 1925 Eva Bernice Muzzin Doris Muzzin 1920 - 1972 Evelyn Muzzin 52 52 1897 - 1948 John Peter Muzzin 51 51 1913 Elsie Marie Hogue 1910 Ruth Wilhelmina Hogue 1908 - 1946 Lindes Hogue 38 38 1901 - 1999 Olga Andrea Hogue 97 97 1874 - 1951 Allette Jorgina Egge 77 77 1866 - 1954 Lauritz Johnson (Louis) Hogue 88 88 1872 - 1957 Martha May Francis 85 85 1843 - 1875 Anna Maria Clauss 31 31 1875 - 1879 John Clauss 3 3 1865 - 1870 Preston Clauss 5 5 1867 - 1867 Ulysses Clauss 7m 7m 1804 - 1890 Judith Miller 85 85 1805 - 1882 Daniel Clauss 77 77 1864 - 1943 Clare Clauss 78 78 1837 - 1907 Luzetta Bauer 70 70 1860 - 1912 Emma J. Clauss 51 51 1835 - 1886 Phaon Clauss 51 51 1862 - 1939 Charles Daniel Clauss 77 77 Clauss, Charles Daniel, son of Phaon and Lucetta (Bauer) Clauss, was born at Weissport, Carbon County, Pa., April 9, 1862. He received his preparatory training at Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown ; entered College in September, 1884, and graduated June 28, 1888. Ho was a member of the Euterpean Literary Society ; received honorable mention for German essay and for standing in his class at the time of graduation. In the fall of 1888 he entered the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and graduated in May, 1891. On the 26th of May he was ordained to the office of the ministry by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, assembled at Pottstown, Pa., and is now pastor at Stroudsburg, Pa. During the scholastic year 1887-88 he was one of the business managers of The Muhlenberg. 1965 Marcia Jean Clauss 1961 Kathleen Diane Clauss 1958 Scott Alan Clauss 1931 - 2009 Patricia Jean Weltzin 77 77 1996 Dylan O' Shea 1954 Denis Shea 1983 Audrey Rae 1963 Elaine Lutz 1961 Jan Lutz 1959 Samuel A.G. Lutz 1957 Marta Lutz 1926 - 2007 Paul Franklin Lutz 81 81 1955 Jo Ann Monzo 1954 William J. Monzo 1952 Betty Ann Monzo 1921 - 1970 Joseph Washington Monzo 49 49 1930 Martha Francis Clauss 1964 Wanda Kay Packard 1962 Stephen Dale Packard 1960 Nancy Lynn Packard 1956 Eric Walter Packard 1954 Brian David Packard 1928 Raymond Alan Packard 1968 Laurie Ann Clauss 1935 Sally Beam 1960 Deborah Alice Doerfel 1958 Martha Doerfel 1955 Barbara Doerfel 1949 - 2003 Sandra Doerfel 54 54 1943 William Harold Doerfel 1920 - 1984 Harold Vernon Doerfel 63 63 1998 Amelia Grace Clauss 1962 Nancy Shaler 1979 Karin Allette Kiesling 1976 Michael Sean Kiesling 1950 Patrick Sean Kiesling 1913 - 1988 Fred Jennings 75 75 1938 Kent Willoughby Willoughby Crockett 1927 Marion Granberg 1923 Vivian Granberg 1918 - 2009 Elvera (VERA) Granberg 91 91 1972 Benjamin Phillips Oleson Michelle Cynthia Phillips 1994 Ryan Scot Griffin 1953 Sue 1935 - 2005 Cleta Fern Hemseth 70 70 ??? 1878 Dora Bell 1935 Shirley Dean Bell Lisa O McCarty 1865 - 1951 Annie Louise Gephart 85 85 1864 - 1929 Otis Clifford Small 65 65 1916 - 1994 Norma Eddison Johnson 77 77 1897 - 1987 Margaret Olivia Hogue 90 90 Unnamed 1929 - 1991 John V. Granberg 62 62 1885 - 1960 Wikter (Victor) Granberg 74 74 1923 - 2006 Helen Francis Clauss 82 82 1925 - 2011 Warren Edward Clauss 86 86 1933 Freda Clauss 1926 Charles Robert (Bob) Clauss 1929 Hilda Clauss 1918 - 1977 Margaret Elizabeth Clauss 58 58 1916 - 2005 Samual Albert Jr Clauss 88 88 1936 Richard Alan (Dick) Clauss 1895 - 1980 Helen Mae Small 85 85 1948 Terry Griffin 1916 - 2001 Frank P. Griffin 85 85 1871 William Wesley Williams DAWES #921  1879 - 1964 Ida Bell 85 85 Burton Bell 1855 - 1924 Miran Sylvester Bell 69 69 @N6@
1857 Missouri Ann Smith @N1@
1915 - 1993 Pat Bell 78 78 @N3@
1914 - 1989 Roxie Mae Bell 75 75 @N4@
1886 - 1964 John Carlos Bell 77 77 Mississippi State Board of Health
1894 - 1979 Sallie Mariah Williams 85 85 1942 - 1942 Stephen Anthony Lowrey 1940 Wanda Jeanette Lowrey 1937 Valeria Lucy Mae Lowrey 1935 Joseph Henry III Lowrey 1931 - 1989 Mary Anna Lowrey 58 58 1932 Bessie Jane Lowrey 1934 Josephine Louise Lowrey 1938 - 1987 Kenneth William Lowrey 48 48 1902 - 1986 Olga Lucia Mueller 83 83 Canton Zurich 1895 - 1972 Joseph Henry II Lowrey 76 76 1947 Gary Stephen Oleson 1981 Meghan Jessica Oleson 1955 - 1997 Barbara Anne Bell 42 42 1927 - 1991 Elise Barbara Lowrey 64 64 1930 - 1961 Ueal Olen Bell 30 30 NM Cpl Field Artillery
Mt. Calvary North 30
1960 Charles Frederick Clauss 1952 Margaret Allette Clauss 1919 - 2012 Helen Louise Granberg 92 92 1920 - 2007 Fredrick Otis Clauss 86 86 1986 Jordan Hung Clauss 1986 SooJee Ann Clauss 1983 Jeremy Francis Clauss 1978 Shannez Elizabeth Clauss 1977 Rokeya Elise Clauss 1953 Donna Kay Bell 1948 David Otis Clauss 1977 Raymond Patrick Jaramillo 2002 Isabella Elise Jaramillo 2000 Margaret Elizabeth Clauss 1966 Rojalio Viramontez 1992 Exavier Juvenal Viramontez Liddy Buck Williams 1947 Dan Evan Sheehan 1979 Rebecca Sheehan 1983 Christina Olga Sheehan 1936 Marian Henrey 1960 Johanna Dee Lowrey 1968 Leigh Ann Lowrey 1959 Elizabeth Marie Lowrey 1959 Diana Elaine Lowrey 1965 Stephan (Varmit Lowrey 1966 Paul Henery Lowrey 1917 - 2002 Pat Hall 85 85 1952 Patricia Dawn Hall 1965 Wendy Jo Hall Billie Glenn Powell 1953 Dennis Powell 1966 Robert Henery (Hank) Powell 1966 William Joseph Powell Tiffany Lauren Elise Powell 2001 Hannah Jane Powell Jackie 1985 Brady Powell D. 2001 Irvin Hemseth 1960 Scott Hemseth 1965 Mary Hemseth 1966 Laura Hemseth 1963 - 1963 Mary Cathrine Lowrey 1823 Sarah 1800 Byrd Bell Ruth Marie Anderson D. 2014 Kenneth Duane Shaler 1836 - 1873 Captain William Moore 37 37 Mary Hart John Moore 1903 - 2000 Josefina (Pepita) Honrado 97 97 1900 Juan Rodolfo Capodonico 1950 Steven George Bewley 1978 Joseph Anthony Bewley 1987 Kristen Michelle Bewley 1969 Frank Mirabal 2002 Analisse Jonet Marabal Jenn Zook 1893 Annie Frances Lowrey 1900 - 1933 Maude Neal 33 33 1862 - 1951 Maria Barbara Stocker 89 89 1852 - 1916 Karl Anton Mueller 64 64 Mueller, Karl A.
1852  1916  12’x24’ wire fence, red granite w/cross, "father in loving memory 
TD Neal 1898 - 1972 William M Lowrey 74 74 1888 - 1904 Bessy Lowrey 16 16 1886 Mae Lillian Lowrey 1884 Jane Mathilde Lowrey (Bass) Jenn Sampson 1999 Faith Irys Bewley 2005 Braydon Anthony Bewley 2005 Skye Angel Bewley 1958 Janet Ruth Packard 2000 Donovan Tayler O' Shea 1846 Matilden Smith 1874 Ida Parmer 1952 Stephen Neal Sherrill 1973 Melissa Dawn Sherrill Levy Andy Levy 2003 Sharon Elizabeth Levy 1980 Scott Houston Sherrill 1984 Tracy Lynne Sherrill Bessie Hall Herbert Hall Paula Stevie Joanna John Brophy 1973 Mary Flynn 1842 - 1913 Joseph Henry Lowrey 71 71 @N12@
Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) (three children) (five children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Divorce (two children) Divorce (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Divorce (a child) (two children) (three children) (three children) (two children) Divorce (two children) Marriage (seven children) (three children) (three children) (two children) Divorce (a child) Cohabitation (a child) Divorce (two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) Divorce (a child) Marriage (two children) (a child) (three children) (a child) (two children) (three children) (a child) Divorce (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (three children) Divorce (two children) (a child) (three children) (two children) (two children) (a child) (a child) (four children) (eight children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) Marriage (a child) Widowed (a child) (three children) Divorce (two children) (a child) Divorce Marriage (two children) XTo be completed (a child) 1893 - 1984 Samual Albert Clauss 91 91 @N5@
1962 Jamie Roseman Tony Beauchamp 1982 Matt Schleyer Indie Oleson 2004 Lina-Rose Flynn Kiesling 1945 - 2008 Pat Jaramillo 63 63 1948 Augustina Chavira 1983 Jeannie Vigil (Clauss) 1958 Greg Hackenberger 1982 Rachel Hackenberger (Beckmann) 1984 David Hackenberger 1986 Daniel Hackenberger 1995 Esther Hackenberger 1999 Hannah Hackenberger Andrea Ruby 1979 Paul Beckmann 1962 Kenneth Alan Stewart 1997 Hunter Alan Stewart 1983 Deawna Lorraine Stewart 1937 John William Stewart 1939 Mildred Marie Mueller (Osman) 1941 Susan Beaudry 1961 Terry Stewart 1961 Lody Stewart 1964 Natalie Covington (Stewart) Jamie Covington 1994 Jesse Covington William Mitchell 1992 Kimberly Mitchell Greg Jones 1987 Justin Jones 1989 Katyln Jones 1993 Luke 1995 Branley Mitchell Billy 1987 Geovanna 1990 Nicole 1999 Hunter Robert Snider 1992 Jordyn Snider 1999 Jenna Snider Lauren Snider Megan Snider 1951 Marilyn Meinhart 1973 James Eric Doerfel 1975 Joel David Doerfel 1977 Jessica Lynn Doerfel 1976 Toby Meyer 2000 Reuben Meyer 2002 Tess Meyer 1980 Julia Ann Doerfel 1980 Nick Kloosterman 2003 Andrew Kloosterman 2005 Emery Grace Kloosterman Julie and Nick at 1am 05-05-05 - 7lb. 7oz., 20 in.
1984 Joanna Grace Doerfel 1989 John Titus Doerfel 1991 Jordan Faith Doerfel 1953 Joseph Lindenmuth 1976 Sarah Joy Lindenmuth 1977 Matthew Joel Lindenmuth 1978 Emily Mahon 1971 Gina Mahon 1999 Abby Doerfel Thayles Adonis Doerfel 2007 Tayla Lenox Meyer Mike Mahon Cynthia (Mahon) Ron Clinkenbeard Joe DeBoli Jim Wiebers 2006 Anya Huffman (Vigil) 1958 Kevin Niehoff 2007 Lanie Peace Kloosterman baby born to the Doerfel family 10 days ago -

born to Julia Ann & Nick Kloosterman - a baby girl named Lanie Peace - 12-11-07 -

Lanie Peace was 6#  9oz at birth, 19" long, with lots of dark hair. :-)  She is very strong and healthy.
1960 John Weare Anthony Ritz Heidi Wiebers Andrew Wiebers Hannah Clauss Gabbi Clauss Meredith Levy Chelsea Levy DeeAne Bailey Brittany Nicklaus Powell Tal Neal 1878 - 1936 Clarence R. Bass 58 58 1908 Hugh Clarence Bass John Haddow Elizabeth Bradley Anna Jane Haddow (Peryatel) Albert Peryatel 1885 Charles Gallagher William Gallagher Charles Thomas Gallagher Mary Phylis Bass 1931 Clarence Bass Mr America in 1978 Carol 1885 - 1979 Charles Mueller 94 94 Otto Mueller Marie Charles Mueller Lorie Anne Mueller Onaley Mueller Bond Stewart Bond Isabel Bond William C Schleyer Darla Nix (Schleyer) Vickie Lampshire (Brown) Richie Lampshire Jainie Lampshire Buch Brown Ryan Adam Brown Kristan Brown Jeff Brown Kay Steven Dunkel Gloria (Dunkel) Rob Dunkel Pam (Dunkel) 1917 - 1981 Edward John Costello 63 63 1947 Lawrence John Costello 1944 Ronald Edward Costello 2008 Jessie Dietrich Oleson 1968 Erik Costello 1981 Brett Baker Costello 1769 Rebekah Otis 1824 - 1851 Jakob Bohnert 26 26 1820 Waldburga Metzinger 1807 Richard Geppert 1812 Louise Gepert 1836 - 1909 Samuel R. Bass 72 72 1848 Mary D. 1875 William T. 1879 Florence D. 1891 James E. 1812 - 1851 William M. Bass 39 39 1818 Dorinda 1840 Rebecca 1839 Frances 1843 John W. Bass 1847 Sarah E. Bass 1847 Mary E. Bass 1848 Juda C. Bass 1849 Lois J. Bass 1792 William Tyree Bass 1739 - 1812 Josiah Bass 73 73 Elizabeth Robertson 1725 - 1769 Thomas Bass 44 44 Elizabeth Howlett Hester Branch 1933 - 1933 ? Edward Gallagher Linda k. Gillman John Lowrey Maria (Lowrey) 1959 Carl Dean Chaney 2000 Jordan De’ann Chaney 2003 Hailey Renee Chaney 1985 John Weare 1983 Laurn Weare John Larry Weare Mary Lee Weare Cora Ethel Williams Lucy Ann Williams Earl Cunley Williams Mary Megdelene Williams Hadie Lorena Williams Theodore Orie Williams Ida Osa Williams Delona Rebecca Williams Henry Olen Williams Coy Otis Williams Master Jim Master Bernth Ingemar Granberg Olle Jonsson Granberg Bjorn Stefan Sjostrom Ann Elisabeth Sjostrom 1875 - 1879 John Clauss 4 4 Volume 7, Number 34, Saturday, July 19, 1879
Page 104
"Local and Personal: John, a four year old son of Phaon Clauss, residing at the foot of Bankway, died of diphtheria, on Thursday morning. The funeral will take place, from the parents residence, to-day (Saturday.) 
Verla Olson Richard Stephenson 1959 Doug Schrepel Brian Ritz D. 2009 Pat Loel Fenwick Barbara John Stead 2012 Henry Sean Stephenson Grady Wyatt Matt 1980 Nic Snowberger 1890 - 1891 Laura 1 1 1882 - 1882 ? John Snowberger Rolanda (Keene) Robyn (Snowberger) Terry Keene Cristopher Snowberger Edward Romary Deliah Ventura Huffman 2004 Avrian Huffman (Vigil) 2010 Helen Fiora Beckmann 2011 Olivia Kiesling Allen Steele 2013 Scott Gregory Hackenberger 2013 Brad William Hackenberger 1984 Andrea Trower 2013 Charlie Ann Costello 2012 Catherine Sylva Beckmann 2015 Eden Olivia Beckmann 2010 Christian Daniel Hackenberger Cartlin McGrother (Hackenberger)
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